Thursday, June 01, 2006


Here in Texas, most everyone has seen our state mammal, an Armadillo, scampering along the side of the highway. To those outside of Texas, however, Armadillos might be unheard of. They are small mammals, about 30 inches long, and their back is covered by a shell of armor. This shell is actually plates of bone covered in scaly skin. In the center of the armor, there are bands which allow the back to contract, kind of like an accordion. It is the number of bands in an Armadillo's shell that is the primary distiguisher between species. Although some can roll themselves into a ball, the 9-banded species that lives in Texas cannot. You would probably think that this shell is what Armadillos rely on to protect themselves, but in fact, their main strategy for escaping predators is to run away or dig themselves into a hole. Armadillos have a very unique reproductive system. Each time a mother gives birth, she has 4 identical quadrulplets, all of the same sex.

Check out this cool Armadillo shop:

Flying Armadillo

Check out this cool Armadillo art:

by Vladimir Kleymenov

by Nathaniel P. Jensen

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Did you know there are between 16 and 19 varieties of Penguins? The exact number is still being debated today. Contrary to popular belief, not all Penguins live in bitterly cold climates. In fact, a few species live in the tropics. Most of the larger species, such as the Emperor Penguin, which averages 3.6 feet, live in colder climates, while smaller species live in warmer areas. Penguins are one species that many people believe exhibit proof that animals feel emotion. When a mother Penguin loses a chick, due to harsh conditions or predators, she will often try to steal a chick away from another Penguin mother. Scientists who have studied this behavior believe that its is not an instinctual response, but rather an emotional response to losing its young. Penguins took a spotlight in Hollywood in 2005, after the documentary March of the Penguins was released and won an Oscar.

Penguinardo da Fishy

Antarctic Under

Northern Lights Penguins

P is for Penguin Mug

Monday, May 29, 2006

Who You calling chicken?

Did you know that chickens are the most common bird in the world? In 2003, there were an estimated 24 billion chickens on Earth. That's roughly four times the entire human population! While many people associate chickens primarily with food, they are an important part of many cultures. In fact, chickens play a role in several religions. In India, roosters symbolize Karthikeya, the God of Destruction, and in the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, the chicken represents bravery and resiliency. Chickens are also seen throughout popular culture. Think Big Bird and Chicken Little. In Japan and other parts of Asia, chickens with exceptionally pretty plumage are kept as pets.
For fun and laughs check out these cool chicken web sites:
Chicken Boy

Subservient Chicken

Check out these cool chicken products:

Art Paw's Chicken Art

Henny Penny

Chicken Illustration

Victorian Chickens Bike Racing Light Switch Cover

Easter Greeting Cards (Package of 6)

Karen Fincannon's cool chicken art